Thursday, November 11, 2010

Perkasa: The Last Bastion for the Malay Masses

According to Wikipedia, racism is the belief that the genetic factors which constitute race are a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. Racism’s effects are called “racial discrimination”.

Lately in Malaysia, Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia or Perkasa, a non-governmental organization that was formed by Pasir Mas MP Ibrahim Ali has been greatly criticized for being too racist. This made me wonder, if Perkasa is racist, how about other race-based NGOs such as Suqiu, Dong Zhong and Hindraf?

I met Ibrahim last month and he told me that the major objectives for establishing Perkasa is to protect the Article 153 of the Malaysian’s Constitution and to defend the rights of Bumiputra from being eroded by certain quarters. According to Ibrahim, non-Malays in Malaysia now have dared to question the rights of the Malays and Bumiputras that Perkasa is fighting and defending for.

Now, my question is does that makes Perkasa an ultra-racist organization? Based on my observation, it seems like nowadays when you talk about Malay, you will be label as racist. But when non-Malay talk about their races, they will not be label as racist. Even right now when I’m writing this article I’m afraid of people will describe me as racist. That’s the fact that the Malays are currently facing.

Take Hindraf as an example. They are fighting for the fate of the Indian community in Malaysia, but they were never labelled as racist. Same goes for Dong Zhong. They fight for education for the Chinese community and people also did not label them as racist. But why Perkasa, an organization that defends the right of Malay and Bumiputra, is described as racist?

I would like to stress here that Perkasa also fight for the Bumiputeras. It means that Perkasa not only championing the Malays and Islam as Bumiputras incudes Iban, Bajau, Kadazan and other indigenous races and not all of them are Muslims. This is the misconception about Perkasa that needs to be clarified.

Here is another example. The Democratic Action Party (DAP), a party which had never changed their leader since more than 40 years ago has a leader who is increasingly being exposed as a racist and a hate-monger. I’m not trying to make allegations here. This is based from my observation. I would like to ask if DAP had ever in their political history fought for the rights of other races? From what I can see, the reason for DAP’s growing popularity among the Chinese community is because they are consistent in fighting for the Chinese rights.

For example, when PAS upheld its determined intention to establish Malaysia as an Islamic nation, DAP was consistent with their principle to oppose it and threatened to leave the Opposition coalition which resulted in Pakatan’s biggest lost while Umno-BN were celebrating their biggest victory in history. Only after PAS decided to cancel its ‘Negara Islam’ fight did DAP join Pakatan again.

One more thing that I see is the anti-Malay and anti-Islam sentiments are being widely spread in the internet right now. Namewee is one of the examples. He is a rapper that use the internet to spread the anti-Malay and anti-Islam sentiments, yet the Chinese community sees him as a hero. Then when the Malay express anger towards the rapper’s songs, the facts were spun and the Malays who were angry were made to be seen as racists while the main cause for it is Namewee.

What I can say here is that the anti-Malays are a much smarter propagandist. They have the ability to spin facts which could benefit them and spread it not only to their followers but many Malays as well. This is something that is really unhealthy.

Perkasa have been isolated as an extremist and racist organization. Even the media refers to Perkasa as a “right-wing”, ultra-Malay and “radical” organization. This gives the public impressions of an intolerant hate group bent on harassing and bullying non-Malays in this country. Is that a price that one has to receive if one is fight for the Malay and Bumiputra interests? We will be called an extremist, a right-wing group and radical just because we want to stand up and preserve our rights? Well if it is so, then too bad.

I don’t understand how the DAP, PKR, PAS, MCA, Gerakan and non-Malay NGOs could define Perkasa as an extremist or racist group when its sole purpose is just to uphold the Constitution, not more than that. It seems to me is that Perkasa has become a new target from the anti-Malay as they are the only organization left that is truly fighting for the rights of the Malays and Bumiputras. As for Umno? Honestly speaking, I can’t see everyone in Umno is sincere in fighting for the right of the Malays. Only a small number of leaders in Umno are true to this cause. PAS? With their inconsistent principles they will only harm the Malays. PKR? With the moral crisis of their leader, it will also worsen the position of the Malays.

Hence the intense heat on Perkasa. Like it or not, Perkasa has emerged as the last bastion for the Malay masses as their home gets trampled and hollowed out by others right from under the noses of a fang-less Umno.

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